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Potential New Local Green Space

Earlier this year, as part of the review of the Warminster Neighbourhood Plan (WNP), the community were asked for their opinion on designating green areas as potential Local Green Spaces.

Local Green Space designation is a way to provide special protection against development for green areas of particular importance to the local community. Once a site is designated as a Local Green Space, it has the same level of protection as land in the green belt. This means it is protected from any development that doesn't enhance the role of the area as a green space, except for in ‘very special circumstances’.

Since the initial public consultation was carried out, the WNP Steering Group have identified a potential new site - Damask Way. The planning permission for this site has recently lapsed and therefore it can now be considered as a potential site to be put forward for designation as a Local Green Space.

At this stage, the WNP Steering Group are investigating whether this area meets the planning criteria for designation – one of which is to demonstrate if the site is special to the local community for reasons such as tranquillity, recreation or wildlife. As part of this process, we are inviting the local community to give their thoughts on whether Damask Way is special in some way to them, or not.

Please help us to understand whether Damask Way may or may not be special to you by completing a short online survey. Paper copies of the survey are available from Warminster Civic Centre. The survey will be open from Monday 6th November to Sunday 3rd December 2023.

As the Neighbourhood Plan evolves, there will be further opportunities during 2024 to provide additional feedback. This is a community led Neighbourhood Plan that will have a genuine impact so please make sure you have your say.


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