We had over 200 responses to our online survey thinking about what to Treasure and Transform in Warminster - thanks to everyone who took part.
People shared thoughts on a range of topics. We received lots of comments on the importance of protecting and enhancing our natural and green environment, as well as regeneration of the town centre. People also shared views on traffic management and promoting walking and cycling. There were also thoughts on climate resilience and carbon neutral development.
We are now reviewing the results in detail and aim to share a summary of the feedback received over the next month.
The comments received will be considered alongside desktop work undertaken by consultants over the last few months, looking at if and how the Neighbourhood Plan can be updated and strengthened. This will inform the scope of the next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan Review.
Thank you to those that have expressed interest in being involved further, either by signing up to the mailing list, being part of a topic group, or the Steering Group! The Town Council will be in touch soon with details on next steps.
You can still sign up to the mailing list, or contact us if you'd like to be involved further via our Contact page.