Warminster Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) Steering Group, in conjunction with Warminster Town Council, are pleased to announce the launch of its Site Allocation process - Call for Sites. This initiative invites residents, landowners, developers and community groups to propose land and sites within the parish boundary for potential future housing development.
The Warminster Neighbourhood Plan Review does not have to allocate local sites for development. However, doing so can enable development of small to medium and brown-field sites to meet the needs of our community. Based on the draft Wiltshire Local Plan housing allocation requirement, the WNP should aim to identify land for around 90 dwellings to be built by 2038, which will be in addition to the current large housing allocation at the West Urban Extension.
The Call for Sites is a key first stage in the WNP Site Allocation process, providing an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the planning process by suggesting where additional development could be built.
It’s important to note the Call for Sites does not determine whether a site will be supported or allocated for change of use or development by the WNP. Instead, this stage serves as evidence gathering for the site’s identification and assessment process.
“We are keen to receive proposals from a diverse range of stakeholders,” said Councillor Phil Keeble, Chair of the WNP Steering Group, “This is an opportunity for the community to help shape the future of Warminster and contribute to sustainable development in our town.”
Proposals can be submitted by anyone, regardless of landownership. The WNP Steering Group, with support from consultants, will conduct a thorough assessment of each submission, considering factors such as the availability, suitability and capability of a site to achieve sustainable development and meet local needs. The results of the assessment will be made available to the public on the WNP website (www.warminsterplan.com).
“We are committed to transparency and community engagement throughout this process,” added Councillor Phil Keeble. “Once the assessment has been completed, the community and landowners will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed allocations for development in the draft Warminster Neighbourhood Plan”.
Individuals interested in submitting a proposal can access the Call for Sites’ application form online or obtain a paper copy from the Warminster Civic Centre.
How can further housing be considered when the town is woefully short of provision for the existing residents?
We don't need more houses. We DO need another Secondary School. We Do need more Primary Schools. We Do need more Doctors Surgeries. We DO need more pharmacies. We DO need better roads. Provide all of the above 1st.